Blink and You'll Miss Him:

Is a comic series about a teenage basketball player Braxton "Blink" King falls in love with a beautiful girl named Stell. His two older brothers Easton "Speed" age 23 and Quintus "Quicksteps" age 26 are both responsible for him and their 10-year-old brother Light aka "Baby Blink". Both Quicksteps and Speed had promising basketball careers. Quicksteps became desperate to help their mom provide when their dad died his second year of college. He started engaging in illegal  activities that got him expelled. Once their mom found out she put him to work at their family hardware store. Speed went to college a few years later. During his third year he was injured while playing basketball. After his injury healed his confidence was gone and he never played the same. While pursuing a degree in business their mom got sick. He came home to help take care of her and to help Quicksteps run the family business. Less than a year later their mom died.  Now its Blink's turn to change it all around for his family. He has the potential to do what his brothers tried to do by becoming a pro basketball player. The problem is Blink doesn't know if that's the path he wants to take.

Episode 1 Cupid and his Cousin
Episode 2 Romeo and Stell
Episode 3 Allstar's Homecoming
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